Understanding The Molecular Machinery Of Life
Kathryn Piston and Dr. Shikha Nangia
2020 ECS Research Day Competition,
Awards: Best Poster Biomedical and Chemical Engineering

Development of the Computational Antibiotic Screening Platform (CLASP) to Aid in the Discovery of New Antibiotics
Yinghui Dai, Huilin Ma, and Shikha Nangia
2020 ECS Research Day Competition

High-Throughput Screening of Small-Molecule Transport Through Pseudomonas aeruginosa’s OccK1 Protein
Allyson Karmazyn, Yinghui Dai, and Shikha Nangia
2020 ECS Research Day Competition

High-Throughput Screening of Small-Molecule Transport Through Pseudomonas aeruginosa’s OccD3 Protein
Yinghui Dai, Huilin Ma, and Shikha Nangia
2020 Stevenson Biomaterials Poster Competition
Honorable mention

Generating potential energy landscapes for membrane proteins
Nandhini Rajagopal and Shikha Nangia
2020 ACS Competition

Predicting Selectivity of Paracellular Pores for Biomimetic Applications
Nandhini Rajagopal, Alejandro Durand and Shikha Nangia
2020 Stevenson Biomaterials Poster Competition